Learning to meditate will take a little patience and practice, as with any valuable skill time spent on practice makes it look easy to the newcomer.
A few minutes of meditation can help you to let go of whatever is bothering you and find some rest from troubled thoughts and unwelcome emotions, thereby enhancing your quality of life and increasing your capacity to deal with any day-to-day challenges. For example, a few deep breaths before going into a meeting can just have a calming effect and help reduce any nervousness and stress you have been putting yourself under. Stepping back, relaxing, and taking a wider viewpoint helps you to think more clearly, avoid excessive emotional involvement and develop a greater ability to see the other persons point of view. |
The most effective meditation techniques tend to have one thing in common: they give the mind one thing to do, thereby reducing the usual stream of thoughts. When you become practiced at doing this and the mind is focussed, and calm, and you just rest in the moment, you can experience the silence, stillness, and peace, which is all that remains when there is no internal or external activity to disturb it. There are several meditational practices which involve paying attention to the breath.
The position you choose is whatever position you feel the most comfortable in. Sitting on a straight-backed chair at a height which allows your feet to touch the floor is ideal, as is sitting on the floor in the traditional cross-legged position or with your legs out in a V shape. The idea is to be stable and upright, with your head in line with your back. Laying down is not ideal as you may fall asleep, which is not the objective of the meditation.
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